
Kingfisher - Y3 and Y4


Welcome to Kingfisher Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Lewis 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Deighton, Mrs Price and Mrs Workman


Below you will find information about our class, including our current learning and how you can support your child’s learning at home.


PE – Please bring a P.E kit in a named bag into school. This will then come home every half term to be washed.


Supporting Learning at Home

Reading: We encourage children to read at home as often as possible to encourage a love of reading. We recommend that this is done with a parent or older sibling to help with unfamiliar words and make suggestions to improve fluency. If you would like to make comments on your child’s reading, this can be done in their reading diary. The diary can also be used to communicate between home and school as we check them regularly.

Homework: written homework is set weekly on a Tuesday to be returned the following Monday.

Spellings: Each week, your child will receive 10 spellings to practise. These spellings will come home on a Friday, be practised through the week and will be tested on the following Friday.  Spelling books will need to be returned to school on Friday.

Tables: By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all of their multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 and 144 ÷ 12. To support with this, each week, your child will have a multiplication table or division table to practise. This will come home on a Friday, should be practised through the week and must be returned on the following Friday. Your child needs to fill in each column with their multiplication/division. They need to look at the given number fact, cover it up, write it in the box and check that they are correct We encourage the children to fill in one column each night rather than fill in all columns in one go, but we understand that this is not always possible. Times Tables books will need to be returned to school on Friday. The same multiplication/division table will go out for several weeks in a row. This will allow your child to practise their multiplication and division in depth before moving on to the next one.

If you have any questions or concerns, or are able to support our learning in any way, please don’t hesitate to come and speak to us.